Transfer, configuration and development of multidisciplinary model for promoting entrepreneurship in VET and higher education


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European Entrepreneurs Campus didactic and Techinical Framework Concept | Result. 2 – WP2 and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) | 2012 Global Report.


Programmes for entrepreneurial spirit in Poland

The ingeniousness and the ability of adapting ideas to the market reality are being promoted amongst young people. In the current financial perspectives enterprises’ support is provided for in the regional operational programmes and in the Operational Programme Innovative Economy. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF) are the largest of the Community financial instruments for SMES through various thematic programmes and community initiatives implemented at the regions level.

Second Meeting of EEC Project: Sevilla

Seville was the place in which the second meeting of the EEC “Transfer, configuration and development of multidisciplinary model for promoting entrepreneurship in VET and higher education” took place from May 27th to May 30th, 2013.

The main purpose of the meeting was to communicate the methodology and findings of the Work Package 2 (WP2) performed by the researchers of the University of Seville. Besides, the Danish team presented an in-depth explanation of IDEA instruments during a visit to the Sevilla Council entrepreneurship promotion agency (CREA), were the General Director of Economy and Employment of the city council, Luis Miguel Rufino, gave the group a speech on their entrepreneurship culture fostering activities.

State of the Art of Implementation the 10 Key Principles Included in the Small Business Act in the Czech Republic

If we want to make an overall assessment of the implementation of measures given in the Small Business Act in the Czech Republic for the period of 2012 and the first trimester of 2013, unfortunately, we have to say that the practical support to entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises is not what it should be. On the part of the public administration it often consists only in measures with a proclamation character without significant positive impacts. Support to SMEs is mainly focused only onto education, innovation, investment and development, but on the other hand the support for exports is low, support for entrepreneurs (tradesmen) is almost none (they can’t practically draw subsidies, bear the greatest impact of administrative burdens, fundamental and frequent changes in legislation, especially taxes). The reason for the overall poor level of implementation is the fact that SBA is not a legislation act, so that various public bodies don't pay appropriate attention to the implementation of the content. To be more precise bellow we tried to briefly evaluate each of ten points included in the SBA separately.


CEDIT IEPL IDEA Universidad de Sevilla BD Center AMSP ČR Università di Pisa Regione Toscana VŠFS